I've always had a ton of hair, and I never really liked messing with it. When I was a kid, I mostly wore ponytails and braids. There weren't any flat irons back in my day, so in order to get my hair straightened, I'd sit in front of the stove with my mom, listening to the sizzle pop as the straightening comb met the grease in my hair, holding down my ears, hoping not to get burned.
Side note: My mom's mom was very superstitious, so we always burned the hair that came out in the comb when my mom did my hair so that a bird wouldn't find my hair, use it to make a nest, thereby giving me headaches for the rest of my life.
I got a perm when I was 16, and I went away to college when I was 17. I didn't know how to keep up with trims to keep split ends at bay, and I didn't know how to use a curling iron. Thankfully, friends at school helped me to take care of my hair. After wearing braids for a while, I decided to lock my hair. My mom locked her hair about a year and a half before I made my decision, and I knew it was the best move for me. I must admit that cutting the perm out of my hair in order to lock it was traumatic for me because I was so used to having long hair, but I got used to it. I have had people comment that I have "that good hair" ever since I was little. Once a woman even asked me why I locked my hair, since I have "that good hair," as if locking were some kind of punishment instead of a delightful celebration. The fact that people think that only some hair is good saddens me. I think all hair is good hair ("God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." Genesis 1:31), and I absolutely love mine. It does take a looooooooong time for my hair to dry, so getting caught in the rain and swimming pose a challenge, but I wouldn't trade my locks for anything.
Unfortunately, because I never really messed with my own hair, I was ill-equipped to help Serena with her hair as she got older. When she was little, it was no problem. Ponytails, elastics and barrettes are easy enough to manage. When it got to the point where she wanted her hair flat ironed, however, it was time for her to go to the salon. She goes once per month, and her stylist does beautiful things with her hair. I hope that she chooses to keep her hair in a natural state. I think it gives her so many more options, and I think the chemicals in a perm are so harsh. I do wonder about the larger implications of chemically altering your hair . . . but it's her choice.
When I think about my characters, I need to think about what role hair will play. I already wrote a scene with the main character having her locks retwisted by her cousin, and I like that scene. I like having my hairstyle in common with that character. There will be other characters, though, and I'd like to think about what role hair will play for them.
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