1. When people put the toilet paper roll on the wrong way.
2. When people leave sticky dishes in the sink without rinsing and/or soaking them.
3. When people drive slowly in the passing lane.
4. When people wear too much cologne or perfume on public transportation, and no matter how hard I try, I can't stop smelling it. That, and strong body odor.
5. When people say, "Oh, your name is Afrika like the country?" Grrr!!!
6. When people don't clean up their dog's poop.
7. When people talk in the quiet car or have loud phone conversations on the train.
8. Unchecked rudeness (children and adults).
9. When cars being chased in car chase scenes in movies/shows don't just stop the car, let the chaser pass them, turn around and go the other way.
10. Being forced to breathe in cigarette smoke.
11. When people stand around talking on the sidewalk and don't move over when people need to pass.
12. When people sneeze or cough into their hands instead of the crook of their arms. Gross!
13. When people cut the line.
14. When people have more than 10 items in the express lane at the supermarket.
15. When you let another driver in, and they don't give you the "Thank you!" wave.
16. Paying for shipping.
17. People ahead of me in line with FAR too many coupons.
18. Misspelled signs.
19. When you can hear someone else's music through their headphones.
20. When you hold the door for someone and they don't say thanks.
21. People who use their phones in a movie theater.
22. People who talk during a movie.
23. When people only post selfies on their social media timeline. Wow. No other interests?
24. When people complain too much, and/or are not interested in solutions. Exhausting.
25. When cars park across two spaces.
We all have pet peeves, and I need to choose some for the characters in my novel. What are your pet peeves?
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