Monday, January 30, 2017

Olfactory Senses - Writing About Smells

This skunk looks so cute, right? I woke up at around 1:30 last night, and as I was trying to fall asleep again, the smell of skunk spray filled my room and invaded every breath I took. It was not cute at all. Thankfully, I've been practicing mindfulness, and after acknowledging that there was nothing I could do to stop the smell, but that I did want to rest, I was able to fall asleep again, but that took some work.

I wonder about the most effective way to write about smells in my novel. When I think about narration, I don't ever want my writing to feel like I'm just checking off a list of sensory information ("Okay, I included what someone looked like, what they heard, what they smelled, etc.). I want sensory details to be included when they should. This means that I need to spend more time putting myself into the characters' shoes and setting, and writing about what's noticeable, and relevant to character and plot development.

I think I need training wheels, though. It'll help for me to think about powerful smells for me:

Smells I enjoy:
  • Wood burning in a fireplace
  • Rain approaching
  • Freshly cut grass
  • Pine trees (especially in our house at Christmas time)
  • Apple Flower and Oahu scented candles (Bath and Body Works)
  • Incense
  • Freshly baked bread, cookies, or cake
  • Carol's Daughter's Chocolat Shampoo and Conditioner (discontinued 😔)
  • Lilacs
  • Clean laundry
  • Coffee brewing 
  • New books
Smells I don't prefer:
  • Fuel
  • Burning rubber
  • Bleach
  • Public restrooms
Smells I loathe:
  • Well . . . skunk spray
  • Vomit (😫)
  • Sour milk
  • Our dog's farts
  • Something rotting (like a dead mouse)
What are some of your favorite and least favorite smells?

1 comment:

  1. Okay... Smells I enjoy: that smell outside that signals summer's coming, kinda musty
    garden soil
    the aroma of after glow with your dad, there is a definite pheromone smell that comforts.
    Calyx and Be Delicious perfume mix, the only perfume I use.
    Baby Magic lotion in the pink bottle. (don't think they make it any more)
    Fried bacon
    Fresh brewed coffee
    A new born's neck
    Smells I don't prefer:
    fasting breath
    sour/stink butt
    body stench of a derelict in a closed space like a train
    rotting fish
    weed, that kind they call "loud" I hate that!
    I could go on and on in graphic detail, but I'll just say this; you know when somehow or another something gets on your fingers that kinda stinky and you keep sniffing at it anyway. It doesn't smell good but it doesn't really stink, like that smell you lift from behind your ears or your stud earrings!! Lol, wash your hands!!!
