Afrika and Bootsie |
I never did have younger siblings of my own, but I learned that God can satisfy the longing in my heart in creative and unexpected ways. I was almost 13 when Bootsie's oldest child, Gabrielle, was born. Her first few months were challenging, because she had colic. But that's not what I most remember about her.
I remember holding her, playing with her and being captivated by the love in her eyes when she looked up at me. I remember putting Mr. Bubble in her baths, watching Sesame Street with her, and making her tuna fish sandwiches. I remember turning on the tape recorder so we'd always be able to remember her singing all the songs and saying all the words she knew - even phrases from commercials ("Have you shopped Strawberry today?" and the Food Emporium song, "Someone made a store just for meeeee."). Our time together exploring words and phrases were captured in her baby book, and cassette tape . . . including Gabrielle weeping slowly, and saying, "I'm tired!" when I asked her to talk and sing for too long. I definitely could have benefitted from a babysitting class or two. I didn't mean to frustrate her - I was just so fascinated by watching this beautiful little person grow and learn. I shared with her what I knew best. Words.
Peek-a-Boo Gabby |
On vacation in Virginia Beach |
When I narrate, when I create characters, when I write their dialogue, when I create their circumstances, I go back to places in my memory that help me to connect to the characters' thoughts, feelings, experiences, desires, hopes, and dreams. Do I need to actually be a big sister in order to write from the perspective of a big sister? I don't think so. Though I never had a younger sibling, I have always loved Gabrielle like a little sister. Because of my relationship with Gabrielle, I can write from the perspective of a big sister even though I've never enjoyed that title. Remembering all the things I have learned and experiences I've enjoyed in my relationship with her is a great place to begin.
This sure took me back to a heart smiling place<3. Still smilingering:-)