Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Blues?

It was hard to get up and go to work this morning.  Don't get me wrong - I love my job.  I haven't felt this professionally satisfied in far too long, but still, I am sad every. Sunday. night!! We usually watch AFV together as a family, and that makes me laugh.  We also watch Once Upon a Time, which I find intriguing.  The kids go to bed at around 9, and then Dishon and I usually watch The Good Wife, if it's not a rerun, but by then, I feel pretty melancholy.  I go to sleep with a long sigh . . .

I love weekends.  I love the freedom of waking up when my body wants to.  I love pancake breakfasts, and laughing with Dishon and the kids.  I LOVE naps . . . I love leisure and our weekly Saturday date nights, and special meals and desserts.  All of that is the good stuff in life . . . Watching this weekend go was harder because I was home for four days (Snow Days!), and we lost the hour with Daylight Savings Time.

Then Monday comes along, and I'm trying to get myself out the door by no later than 7:20 so I can catch my train (this morning it was 7:23, and I almost missed my train.  Not a good start to the week . . . ).  It's hard, but I do what I can to make it less so.  I have the You Version app on my phone for my daily Bible reading, and there's now an audio option, so I can have the passages read to me as I read along, which I enjoy.  I forgot my Ludacris, very cool headphones this morning (Boo!), but I keep a back up pair of regular headphones, so I can still listen if I want (Yay! :).  I have TONS of songs on my love songs playlist (I LOVE R&B love songs, ballads, and jazzy Gregory Porter music), and that always cheers me up. In fact, I have to fight off singing out loud on the train.  Sometimes it's too hard, so I mouth the lyrics, and maybe sing a little low.  If not too many people are around me, I sing a bit louder.  I dance along with the music, and I don't care who's watching, so that makes me feel even better.

This morning, I was thinking that, as much as I miss being a stay at home mom like when the kids were younger, there's a lot that would be missing from the world if I didn't leave the house.  Fewer people would have the door held for them, and one less person would smile at the guy giving out the Metro at South Station . . . things like that.

So, Mondays aren't so bad.  I have a rich, very satisfying relationship with my heavenly Father, Savior, and Guide, an amazing husband, two phenomenal children, my health, laughter, joy, a home, a car, clothes and shoes that I like, extended family whose love is so supportive, entertainment, good food, cool co-workers, and an enjoyable job.  I really, really can't complain.  I'm going to try to greet Sunday nights and Monday mornings with the smile that makes me Joyspirit.

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time getting up on Monday mornings too. It soo does help to be appreciative of your job and why it's good that you get out of the house. I think this post was very inspiring and uplifting. Thank you!
