But now I see that my mind and heart were never meant to be a permanent home for those things, but a way station on a journey leading to You. So today I will cup those things in my hands in intercession and offer them up to You where they belong.
I'm imagining holding the hands of each of the people You've placed on my heart, and leading them into Your presence to be showered by Your comfort, peace, rest, healing, clarity and guidance . . . to deeply know their worth and feel Your balm on their hurting places. I know the way to Your presence because in Your grace and mercy, You showed it to me.
I'm imagining sitting with them under Your tree surrounded by the aroma of Your flowers next to Your refreshing river. I am holding space, hearing their stories, and bringing their tears to You because You care for them. You are our compassionate High Priest, our Creator, and the Lover of our souls. You know the source of the pain they're carrying. You know it at the root.
And while we are there with You, they may not see You, but I do. You'll wink at me and I'll wink back and smile because You and I will know that You are there. I believe with my whole heart that they will feel Your love and be made whole, because that's what You've done for me.